St Margaret’s is a small village primary school with four classes and a purpose built pre-school/nursery on site. Children can join the school from age 2 and stay until the end of Year 6. Having the pre-school on site helps the children to get to know their teachers and staff ensuring a smooth transition into the main school. They are also included in many main school activities.
The school has a focus on maintaining close links with the local community and works with other agencies to support local events and help make a difference. These links instil the importance of caring and supporting others. Examples where these links have proven beneficial include work with our local care home, local Rotary Club, St Margaret’s Church and joining in with many village events.
All the staff strive to ensure that children experience an interesting, thought provoking, safe learning environment where they are able to develop and grow into confident learners.
One of the most often heard sayings about St Margaret’s is that it is a ‘family school’ and I must say that I totally agree. I took over in September 2019 and I am incredibly proud to be the Head Teacher of St Margaret’s CEVA Primary School. Why not come and see us?
Hayley Robinson, Headteacher